In December 2015, the MoEF&CC has notified the limits for specific water consumption and stack emissions from thermal power plants for SOx, NOx, PM and mercury emissions. For our existing operational units, we are already in compliance with the new emission standards for mercury and PM. To achieve compliance with the new standards for SO2 emissions, we are aligned with the phasing plan prepared by the CEA. As almost all power plants in India have to upgrade their pollution control devices for control of SO2 to match the new standards, a schedule, known as ‘phasing plan’, has been prepared by the CEA for installation of FGD systems in every plant. Accordingly, FGD implementation for all our operating units has been scheduled from March 2021 to June 2022 progressively.

We are in consultation with technology providers and industry forums in India to identify a suitable approach to continuously achieve NOx emissions within 300mg/Nm3 from existing operational units.

The emissions are monitored on a real-time basis through a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), which also includes mercury emissions. These results are directly linked with the Central Pollution Control Board servers. In addition to this, we regularly conduct off-line monitoring of our stacks. Ambient air quality monitoring is also done through an online Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (AAQMS).

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